A peek inside the randomness that occurs in my head, an unorthodox method to get to know myself, or perhaps you will get to know me instead
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Right then....
Warning: this post may seem slightly egotistical .
R is for Right
Which I am most the time, wither that is fortunate or unfortunate is still debatable, but it does not change the fact that I am mostly right.Quite cocky of me to say I know and I apologize, but this is something I have known for a long while and naturally I have to test the limitations , which i have done on many occasions, only to find that I am still mostly right unless guessing is involved and no logical thinking is used.
What is being right though? we don't live in a world by ourselves where there is only your standards and understandings to take in to consideration, although it would make things a bit easier ( you wouldn't have anybody but yourself to apply it to ! ), other angles of a situation must always be taken in to consideration this includes what other think, thought, and will think given what ever circumstances are occurring and the logic behind it.
Being right does not necessarily mean that you are right, it is really just a statistic your brain works out without you knowing how exactly that predicts the outcome of the situation, even if the outcome is wrong and not what you believe or want.
on many occasions I don't like being right because with me it is associated with hurt, hurt that can be avoided if I am willing to give up my self but then that will bring us to 2 other R words, if I avoid hurt it means I walk down the resent path and will forever resent if not hate myself because in some situations avoiding hurt leads you to become somebody that is not you, which brings us on to the final R word for today....
Do you know how I know I am right and how I don't look back? I do not have Regrets ( when it comes to things I have been right about ) and that is how I know I am right, if my conscience is clean and not regretting anything I know that I made the right choice/ decision, how do you know when you are right?
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Thursday, 18 April 2013
O mg?
So not only am I late and will most likely continue to be late till Monday, but I was having so much trouble finding an O word and just a minute ago it struck me!
O is for Once Upon a Time!!!
Think about it... it has beautiful women I still call dibs for eternity on the evil queen so look at the other ones! it has a fantastic story line that does not fail to exceed expectations, it has FAIRY TALES!! if you are not a fairy tale fan then i no offence but you simply suck and you need to start liking them or we can't be friends .... yes yes that is unreasonable and i am a child at heart .
So goooo watch the show! yes Lou this does mean you !
I just love this picture look at that breath taking face ! no actually don't look at it ... DIBS!!!
O is for Once Upon a Time!!!
if you are unfamiliar with this amazing show that comes second only to Grey's anatomy and that is nothing more than a matter of loyalty .... GO WATCH IT! what on earth are you waiting for, have you been living under a rock in a desert in the middle of nowhere with a lizard sleeping on it ?
Seriously as stated previously , nothing I can say about this show can do it justice it is simply perfect...Think about it... it has beautiful women I still call dibs for eternity on the evil queen so look at the other ones! it has a fantastic story line that does not fail to exceed expectations, it has FAIRY TALES!! if you are not a fairy tale fan then i no offence but you simply suck and you need to start liking them or we can't be friends .... yes yes that is unreasonable and i am a child at heart .
So goooo watch the show! yes Lou this does mean you !
I just love this picture look at that breath taking face ! no actually don't look at it ... DIBS!!!
No is one of my favorite words, not because I mean it but because I like how it flows when I say it, it is short concise and powerful, and of course I make it sound cool obviously.
But on a more serious note .... we often speak about the power of " YES!" and it is true this is a powerful word, however we often underestimate the power of "NO" , actually it more disrespect rather than underestimate, ever since we are little kidlings we jump at the yes, and always think that a no actually means maybe or yes if i nag enough.... which is fair enough as a child , most the wants are rather basic simple and somewhat harmless.
However this behavior can grow with some of us and No never means No, which creates a huge problem in society in my opinion, because we have learnt to disrespect the "NO", yes it is a very powerful word that can destroy lives in seconds such as a loan being declined , an application to school being refused anything really, it is quite disheartening when somebody simply says no , but don't let that no get in the way of achieving your dream because nobody can stand in your way of that.
But that doesn't mean that in certain situations we do not accept the no or we do not say no, when you are feeling pressured something you do not want to ... you can say no it is within your right and it does NOT! make you a bad person, No is a choice that you are allowed to make. When somebody is uncomfortable with your actions and says no stop you should respect that because if you don't you are in a way violating the other person's will.
it is true that No can destroy lives, but at times it can also save some.
sorry for the delay I am a bit behind courtesy of man flue and school!
Monday, 15 April 2013
Mantis shrimp is the BEST!
The Mantis Shrimp
Yes the purpose of this post is for you to click on that link right over there that says The Mantis Shrimp yes that one up there ^^^ click it... click it NOW! why are yous till here reading click it!! it is pure undiluted awesomeness it may include a rainbow of unidentified colours also...
Sunday, 14 April 2013
L is for the way you look at me...
L is for Logic!
Logic dictates that there is no reason to talk about love and life and laughter because let's face it , in one way or another we experience them daily, the use or interaction with logic however seems to be not only on the decrease, but almost facing extinction, which is pretty much saying that common sense should be renamed to rare sensibilities or uncommon sense.
Many things defy logic nowadays because people choose to deactivate that portion of the brain ( yes this is a metaphor and not scientifically accurate at all ) and ignore it, these things continue because the use of logic nowadays makes you stand out, and anybody that stands out is pretty much shot down, which is why evolution is prevented from intruding and making logic a normal every day thing.
Sadly it seems that people prefer having a lack of logic in their lives...
Something that struck me as illogical recently is scented toilet paper...now of course i had to find another use for it since it had a nice smell and it was quite soft i elected to use it for my nose whilst it battled a cold and that was good and comfortable, however for the life in me i do not get why it was invented..if we were dogs who greeted each other by sniffing arses I would completely understand it, however thankfully we do not use our nose or arse to greet each other in fact in many cases we barely use physical contact sometimes we even just talk from 2 meters away .
So! do we really need to make logic in to some sort of trend for people to realize just how amazing it truly is ? surely we have brains for reasons other than to satisfy basic physical needs... so why don't we bloody use them! if you have work in the morning logically you should not go out drinking till the wee hours of the morning the night before....
If you can not afford something... do not buy it.
If you are allergic to something.. do not eat it.
If you do not understand something...ask,read,research,learn.
If you can not stand someone... do not hang out with them.
if you regularly get colds without having any kind of physical reason why... start putting more clothes on.
Really it is soooo simple that it is sad when people do not use logic.
I actually can't think of anything that can not logically be solved.... try me !
Friday, 12 April 2013
Thursday, 11 April 2013
We are living in a technology based era, one of its highlights is speed, you can receive your mail within seconds, you can be in another continent within a matter of hours, hell you can even have your grocery shopping delivered to you when you choose, machines do most the work and so everything is done much faster than it used to be.
Although this is highly convenient for the most part , it has made us rather impatient, we want everything done yesterday, now if you put aside how that does not benefit us within a work environment and what it actually costs us, we can focus on how it actually effects are personal lives and relationships with one and other.
Do you remember when the last time you got to know a random stranger was? someone who was not introduced to you by a friend or a work relation, somebody who's life isn't really that connected to yours at all(except well if you go to the same Ikea for example or walk your dog in the same park stuff like that is fine) when was the last time ? too long is the likely answer here and yes i will admit this applies to me too.
Do you know why it has been too long? because our lack of patience has lead us to make this error that we all try not to fall in to but do anyway, we make the mistake of judging others so quickly, most of us have grown to be judgmental people, now i am not saying you are a bad person, i am saying it is something we do without being completely aware of it, for example somebody might not want to say thank you or even smile at the cashier that served him/her because she has blue hair, or he has a scar on his face, or you avoid somebody because they may look scary to you, his shirt has a red stain on it oh god he must have been beating somebody up, oh it's a pit bull that is a vicious terrible creature! get my point?
Judging people is bad you don't know who they are what they are or the path they walk so don't do it! and by don't do it that does include don't judge yourself based on other people's behavior either( this is a conversation for another day .
Should I of talked about the Jabberwocky instead?
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
I am an Individual
Surely you saw this one coming! especially with it being in theaters in a couple of weeks!
I is for iron man!
ok ok I is not for Iron-man well it is but we won't talk about it, there is a number of things i could ideally talk about idealism being one of them or intimacy or intentions or even invitations but i will not.
"Everyone is like the rest of them that is why they are the rest "
What separates you from everybody else? we generally all have very similar features, granted some look slightly different some are shorter some are taller some are darker some are crazier , but what really is it that makes you different from your neighbor, your teacher or even your sibling?
what you identify as perhaps? no? ok you are right identity is only part of it but the truth is we really are the same , from the same mold..... the only thing that differentiates us from each other is what we do with the mold that we are given.
Individuality ! yes you are a unique individual there is only one of you even if you do look like the rest you hopefully do not behave like them( if you do then stop it !) the way each person reacts to the same set of events or situation is different even if it is a slight difference it is a difference, and these little things gathered together make a unique individual out of you !
Are you an Individual? what makes you shine....
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Honor Humbleness Humility Honesty Hastiness Hard-headed
These are all ingredients ( not all of the ingredients) that are involved in the making of a hero, super powers are not necessary after all you can have a superpower but if you lack the rest then you will most likely end up being something else.
What would you define a Hero?
To me it is a person that you can look up to possibly even idolize (although knowing they are not always right) because of what they stand for, someone that can go out of their way to make somebody else's life a little bit easier. A hero is someone that can make you believe not only in something bigger but also in your self!
Anybody can be a hero, it starts of with little things and grows with you, something as little as helping an old lady with her shopping or helping a blind man cross the road can be your first step towards being a hero.
Since you do it because you believe it the number of people that will see you as a hero will be limitless although you do not know it, you may be somebodies inspiration to be a better person or even a new hero.
I have many inspiring heroes in my life ok yes p!nk isn't exactly in my life but she is still a hero to me!
can you spot your heroes?
Hats are absolutely awesome!
Monday, 8 April 2013
Gingers are people that usually get picked on due to their fiery
red hair and very pale complexion, they usually have freckles too!
I am guilty of picking on gingers (particular ones) and that
is because the ginger people I know are quite feisty so it is quite fun.
It is also something edible, well you can cook with it or
boil it in water and drink it, that is extremely healthy for you, it is good
for lowering diabetics blood sugar or losing weight, and a variety of other
things that I elect not to Google right now J
G is for grandparents! And grasshoppers
And G is for Gravity
Gravity is a force that pulls you towards something or draws
you to it if you will; no I am not talking about the apple that fell on newton’s
head, I am talking about how you unexpectedly find yourself gravitating to
somebody, it is scary and amazing and exciting and unexplainable all at the
same time!
Ok F is not particularly an easy one because I have already wrote about freedom and forgiveness, and sooooo for the last couple of days I have been having Fun!
So F is for Family!
You meet people in your life that you can’t help but bond with for a variety of different reasons; over time that bond grows stronger without you even realizing it, now some people are blessed with this through blood relations also so the same things apply.
Family are the people you can simply be yourself with, no walls, no guards, no pretending, no fake smiles, you can for the most part rely on them. The people you don’t need to explain things to just to prevent making a bad impression, hell you don’t need to make any impression because they love you regardless, and life is flavourless without them, yes little critters such as dogs also count as family.
Families come in all shapes and sizes they can vary from a just a couple to a large variety of parents children uncles aunts and zoo animals, there is no limit!
But see for people that come from a less fortunate background because of blood relations find it very difficult to establish these family connections/bonds, this is due to Fear.
Fear prevents us from experiencing the most amazing things, soooooo lets enjoy our families and not let fear get in the way of life .
Friday, 5 April 2013
E is for Equality, now this is going to be a fairly simple short post for all intents and purposes.This being due to the fact that I believe my self to be a fairly good intelligent logical man for the most part, unless chocolate is involved or steak or pie... any how! this also applies to the company i keep and all you lovely readers so!
To put it simply without lecturing or prolonging... we are all born equals, regardless of , background,colour,ethnicity,clothing style,sexual orientation, financial background,religion,beliefs and many other things i can't think of at the time being, we are equal, we all have a nose and 2 eyes and arms and legs and brains, granted some brains seem to be of better quality but that is neither here nor there( as long as they stay there).
Nobody is born better than any one else and nobody dies better than any one else, however in saying that some people do strip themselves from the right of being equal to other human beings by not being human beings basically ( this is my personal opinion of course) like people who without a valid reason which does include a mental condition, kill in cold blood especially if they kill kids, rapists naturally , and animal abusers, naturally the list goes on but you get the gist of it, if you behave like less than a human you naturally will not be equal to a human.
So! we are Equals, any body who tells you other than that is an inbred heathen .
To put it simply without lecturing or prolonging... we are all born equals, regardless of , background,colour,ethnicity,clothing style,sexual orientation, financial background,religion,beliefs and many other things i can't think of at the time being, we are equal, we all have a nose and 2 eyes and arms and legs and brains, granted some brains seem to be of better quality but that is neither here nor there( as long as they stay there).
Nobody is born better than any one else and nobody dies better than any one else, however in saying that some people do strip themselves from the right of being equal to other human beings by not being human beings basically ( this is my personal opinion of course) like people who without a valid reason which does include a mental condition, kill in cold blood especially if they kill kids, rapists naturally , and animal abusers, naturally the list goes on but you get the gist of it, if you behave like less than a human you naturally will not be equal to a human.
So! we are Equals, any body who tells you other than that is an inbred heathen .
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Delightful !
My favorite part of the night is dreams! because! I know you I walked with you once upon a dream... I know you the gleam in your eyes is soooo familiar a gleam.
Ok ok we are not talking about those kind of dreams its more the longer lasting ones, what did you dream of being when you were a little humanling ? my current dream is to take over the world :D I am quite passionate about this because there is so much that needs fixing , since authorities and authority figures do pretty much nothing i would like to be the authority figure that makes them do it, so unfortunately that means world domination by ME! ( don't worry you will all enjoy it).
Dreams come in all shapes forms and sizes, it is one of those few things that we all can have, it doesn't matter how old you are or what you look like, where you come from or what colour your socks are! anybody can have any dream they want to be honest any one can also achieve that dream... unless its something impossible for the time being like talking sharks or ridiculous like a human sized smurf (size matters!)
Always always always! have a dream, allow yourself to dream and most importantly! do not let anybody get in the way of your dreams or tell you that they don't matter,or that they are stupid, or that they are impossible, AND if any body does try to say that .....tell them they can mind their own darn dreams, because they are just jealous they can not be as creative as you are :D
Now listen to this song and dreaaaaam a little dream of me ( i may have gotten a bit carried away and started singing there but shhh )
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
C is for ....
Lately I have been volunteering more of my time trying to
help people with this Wizpert thing, where basically I get messaged and have a
chat with people who want relationship advice, which is great. Sadly though
what I have noticed is the main issue in the majority of people I have talked
to is a lack of clear communication.
Now I have no intentions of rambling on about what a person
may be doing wrong and why they should stop it, frankly most people who do not
communicate properly are aware of that and choose to continue so! Instead of
dwelling on the negative I am going to tell you what you get out of good
communication with your partner, or even a relative or a friend!
A Successful Relationship.
Yes it is that plain and simple, the key to success is communication,
talking and putting your thoughts across shows that you care, it shows that you
are making an effort, it shows that you are nurturing, and that you are there!
really there not just a body whilst you are absent in essence. Naturally listening
and patience play a role when it comes to good communication but think of it
this way … you get what you give, I realise this may seem odd talking about
emotions and behaviour in this way but it is the most simple way to put it, if
you use good quality material and you work hard the outcome will be a product
of good quality, so you are the material, the hard work is communication
amongst a variety of other things and the end product is a strong relationship.
It is scary at times I know, being honest putting yourself
out there and of course the possibility that you are the only one attempting to
communicate, but don’t let that put you off, we all need a little push every
now and then, it is quite refreshing when you find someone that is willing to
make an effort until you feel comfortable enough to start letting go of the
fear, don’t you agree?
Oh and of course Chocolate and Cake make communication much
lighter and easy!
That is a chocolate chip cookie cake in case you are wondering, if you make me this i will love you forever and ever...
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
B is for....
Bernese mountain dog!!! oh I want one I want one I want one !!!
This is the original word for B today however it has been
changed, in saying that I am still going to give my 5 cents about Bambam
regardless! Yes this does refer to Bambam from the Flintstones cartoon/movie.
The way I see it the pressure to be more macho and express
machoness is on the increase lately which is not necessarily bad, sadly the
perception of macho counteracts my statement of not necessarily bad …… nowadays
machoness is being a Bambam from the strength perspective not the full on
strong chivalrous silent nice guy , which makes me sad.
Males using physical strength to prove that they are manlier
or that they are superior, just to feel better, this is completely wrong on
every level.
Why is it that we are at an age and time where being nice,
respectful, a gentleman in essence is not good enough?
That is a rhetorical question that I know the answer to but do
you? And how can we stop this caveman phenomenon from spreading?
Monday, 1 April 2013
A is for Acceptance
Acceptance such a small word ( in comparison with supercalifragilisticexpialidocious) with such a life changing impact if you do it right , i have no idea why my font just suddenly changed but lets accept it and move on :p
To Accept something means to believe that regardless of what this something is, it is likely to be a fact, an obstacle, something you can do nothing about (not without hurting somebody anyway), something different perhaps even new that can bring change or provides the potential for change anyway .
As humans a large majority of us fear change we are mostly raised to treat different is bad or wrong, and so we retaliate we try to prevent change from occurring , we are stubborn and we pay dearly to avoid accepting things, naturally by we I actually only mean a large proportion of humans I don't mean me and you and you and you oh and even you , in fact I do not include myself in this category most the time , so basically we fight hard to keep things the way they are because honestly we don't think that any good can come of change , regardless of what history has proven.
This has lead me to believe that acceptance in essence is simply acknowledging that fear and getting over it , believing that maybe just maybe more good will come from this than bad, perhaps it is just as basic as believing that ultimately everything is going to be alright.
Acceptance comes in a all shapes and sizes, it varies from the smallest of things to things that make millions of people protest, but the truth is the way it works the way you get to it is the same regardless. If you regularly take a morning walk or jog for example and this one morning it was pouring down you can either say oh well and stay at home because it was raining thinking that you are simply accepting the fact and dealing with it ( which you wouldn't be , that is acknowledging not accepting) or you could realize that unless you live in a very muddy area where you would be likely to slip , that it doesn't matter if its raining hell it is more enjoyable ! and you need to wash your clothes and get in the shower after you are done anyway so it does not really make a difference .....
ok not the most inspiring of examples but serves the purpose! Accepting bring power it provides you with inner strength to do what may be necessary which at times is nothing, it does not change you or your essence it does not make you weak or less of a person au contrair ! I have found accepting difference to provide more flavour and variety in life hell it spices it up making it more colourful , i am currently accepting that blogger is being stupid and giving me red squiggly lines because i am using British spelling.... you can feel free to read the rest of the blog in a British accent now :D
This word is particularly dear to me because I am an outcast in my blood family anyway for being different, but this journey of not being accepted and treated like a monster has opend my eyes to how accepting of other people i am , the most difficult kind of acceptance is accepting yourself or in my case accepting that i was fighting fr a lost cause , that was hard for me to accept because i thought i was close to my father, but now that i have accepted that i am finding my strength to be myself .
I know it isn't an easy thing to do in fact it requires a reasonable amount of courage to truly accept the things we can not change , but when you do it can make the world of difference not only to you but sometimes to somebody else too .
Equal marriage for example ...( no that was not the reason i chose this word !!)it does not effect you regardless of if you are straight, christian, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, a-sexual,dog,cat,car,fire truck,sponge bob, Easter bunny , you surely get the point .... it does not effect you , it will not change your life in the slightest, but by accepting it , it will change the lives of so many people...
Bottom line kids ... Acceptance is good , Ignorance is harmful
Oh and I am quite sorry that this blog was not inspirational ,my brain is fuzzy for some reason , hopefully the next ones will be better :D
Accept yourself... you are Amazing.
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