Friday, 11 May 2012

You know the best time to drive is on a weekend morning when everybody is in bed , ah the glory! however I have noted a problem besides that that car I was driving was an automatic that is ....I was thinking  and of course throughout the morning I was lost in  thoughts on and off , i noticed the speed limit was 60 and then that i was doing 120 at the time which did not strike me as a good sign but it felt so so so goooood and then someone was teasing me with his speeds so it went up to 130 then 140 and up to 160 when he passed me because his car was newer and a manual i forgot the road was about to turn and so as i saw it my foot immediately hit the break but i had to turn i was still in the 100 something and that is when i lost control of the car, thankfully nobody was in proximity and i soon gained control of the car no harm done .

In saying that although I owned up to my reckless driving up there , there were a lot of idiots driving around for the rest of the day driving on the wrong side of the road just because, pushing out of line or is it lane? lane line? meh you know what I mean but in total I avoided at least 5 or 6 collisions with other vehicles today and really had to try not to lash out on any of the idiotic drivers , it somewhat scared the passenger with me but she also found it hilarious she notified me that she usually bitches and curses when riding with somebody else but she found it was not necessary today as i took care of it, yes i car blocked many cars today that were obnoxious and tried to take my way how rude!!! I showed them though and drove right in the middle .

Do you know how annoying the sound a car makes when you get sand inside the wheels? BLOODY ANNOYING!! the whistling and whining of those wheels were too much for my ears to handle and so I did what any sensible human being would do ... blast the stereo up close the windows and sing any non sappy song whilst cussing at any sappy song that does turn up especially anything by Adele ( btw I love Adele I am just trying to control certain emotions that Adele does not help with)

Drive safely kids .

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